What Changes Are Required In The Current Education System?

Changes are inevitable in this modern world. Education is the root of the development of a nation. Therefore changes in the education system are also necessary over some time. The traditional education system is creating a barrier in coping up with this competitive world. The government has been working on substituting the conventional education system, but some changes are required for better learning. Some parents even consider adding a gps tracker on their children so they track where they go.

So let us discuss the alterations needed to reform the traditional education system:

Training To The Teachers

A teacher is a source of education; they play a vital role in a student’s life. A student learns from the teacher and applies it in his/her life, so a teacher needs to know their respective subjects properly. Better training should be provided to a teacher in a way to make a healthy relationship with students.

While teaching, the teacher must maintain a friendly relation with students so that they don’t hesitate while clearing his/her doubts. Training is also required for the teachers in respect of the smart classrooms.

Smart Classrooms

Today the students are more comfortable with modern technology. They have come in contact with the technology since birth. Therefore, it is necessary to replace the traditional blackboards system with smart classrooms to develop their studies’ interest.

No Cramming

Cramming creates a barrier to acquiring knowledge. The teacher should teach the students about the importance of conceptual learning rather than cramming, which hampers their growth. Teachers should ask the students questions to check their understanding level and help them understand the concepts better. By cramming, they can’t retain it for long; thus, they will get deprived of the concepts.

Creative Learning

The traditional education system seems boring nowadays. Reading books doesn’t create interest in students. The interest of the student is the foremost thing to be considered while teaching. While teaching, a teacher should add some creativity by involving the students in some activity related to that chapter, group discussion, etc. the teacher can also use smart classrooms to create students’ interest.

Education Related To The Technology

In this fast-changing era, technology plays a vital role in everybody’s life, as it is changing at a rapid pace. Therefore the knowledge of technology is fundamental to cope with this competitive world. Today, everything has shifted online from shopping to reading books. The knowledge of technology should be taught to students from an early age to not find any difficulty in the future time.

Evaluation Of Performance

Marks are given great importance as compared to the performance for ages. Due to this, students are cramming instead of understanding the concepts. Overall, personality development involves knowledge and communication skills, leadership skills, and many more. Therefore, instead of focusing on the marks, the students’ performance should be evaluated, which involves participating in student in-class activities, his/her communication skills, performance in sports, etc.

Equal Importance To All Subjects

Each subject should be given equal importance without considering any particular subject at the top. Every student has their own interest in different streams. By giving equal importance to every subject, a student can choose his/her subject more easily.


Education is vital for the overall development of society. Therefore, it is necessary to alter the education system with time. These changes are essential to add creativity to education. These above changes are framed, keeping in view the requirements of the current scenario.

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