A credit card is an unsecured payment card issued by a lender to consumers to allow the holder to pay a retailer for products and services based on the holder’s accrued credit. As you can…
Browsing Category Business
3 Types of Accounting
There are 3 types of accounting and they’re more commonly known as business, management, and financial accounting. The first two categories are very broad and cover all the different kinds of transactions that happen in…
A Morning Cup Of Tea With Your Interest News
News has many definitions. Some define it to be anything that is not ordinary. Some say it’s the unusual painting of life. The value of news matters through how much it excites people and how…
Some Examples Of Bank Transfer Fraud
A bank transfer scam such as the Revolut scam occurs when a fraudulent party deposits funds into the victim’s bank account. Here some examples. 1. Phishing These scams are known as phishing and trick victims…
The best way to sell your house
About Us: Buy Houses for Cash is an association of real estate investors that are searching for houses to buy without putting any money down. The investor pays all closing costs and taxes. We buy…
What Are Promotional Items?
Promotional items are products that have been branded with a company name, logo or message. They are given away to promote an event or corporate identity. These items can also be called swag or freebies….